Accueil du Couvent de Malet


Place :
Hôtellerie du Couvent de Malet
Route d'Aubrac
Espace Angèle Mérici

12500 St-Côme-d'Olt
Telephone : 05 65 51 03 20
E-mail :
Website : http://www.hotel-mal...

Contact / Booking :

Website : http://hotel.reservi...


55 Person(s)


Opening dates

  • From 25 march 2024 to 03 novembre 2024


  • Adult, per night : 46€
  • Adult, per night : 22€
  • Adult, per night : 30.50€
  • Adult, per night : 37.50€

Methods of payment

  • Carte bancaire
  • Cheque
  • Holiday voucher
  • Cash
  • Transfer

Equipments and Services on site

  • Wifi / Internet
  • Access for the handicapped
  • Car park
  • Lift
  • Grounds
  • Meeting room
  • Horse riders welcome point
  • Washing machine
  • Sèche linge

Equipments and Services nearby

  • Canoe-kayak (5 km)
  • Museum (5 km)
  • Ski resort (30 km)
  • Trekking (1 km)